Year 5/6 Spring Term
During the Spring term, the children's work will be based around writing a non chronological report. They will first write a report together as a class on the 'Theory of Evolution', which links to their Science topic. After this, they will then write their own report on 'Dinosaurs'. The children will also write a narrative based on the poem 'The Raven' by Edgar Allan Poe.
The children will participate in guided reading sessions, where they can access and discuss a wider variety of books (poetry, fiction and non-fiction). They will analyse and enjoy fiction and non-fiction texts. The children will complete regular whole class reading comprehension sessions as well as RAMP reading sessions based on a wide range of texts and genres. All Year 6 pupils will complete a good amount of SATs practice - looking at strategies for approaching the test papers.
I Please encourage your child to read on a regular basis, both on their own and to an adult. Reading aloud is a key skill that we would really like to perfect this year.
In the ‘Focused lessons’ we will revise and extend the children’s knowledge of spelling strategies. As the children progress through the various stages, they will look at Year 5 and Year 6 key spellings, common letter strings (affixes: prefixes, suffixes), stressed and unstressed vowels and the background to the words (etymology). Each week the children will study a new set of spellings in class before learning them ready for a test the following week.
In the spring term, the will initially look at fractions followed by decimals, converting units of measure, perimeter, area, volume and ratio.
In line with the National Curriculum, our objectives throughout the year are divided into the following mathematical areas:
- Number: Number and Place Value
- Number: Addition and Subtraction
- Number: Multiplication and Division
- Number: Fractions
- Number: Ratio & Proportion
- Measurement
- Geometry: Properties of Shape
- Geometry: Position and Direction
- Statistics
- Algebra
Calculation is, and always has been, a fundamental aspect of Maths. Therefore, every Maths lesson begins with morning maths challenges and operation challenge. Written methods/ strategies for all four operations are in accordance with our visual calculation policy. The children will complete weekly assessments, focused on calculation and mental maths strategies.
The children will also have weekly designated arithmetic lessons, daily arithmetic practice and will build up to weekly arithmetic tests on a Friday.
Useful website =
The children will complete one science topic during Spring term one – ‘Evolution and inheritance’. In this unit, they will look at inheritance, adaptation, the theory of evolution, evidence of evolution, evidence of evolution in humans, and adaptation, evolution and human intervention. This unit builds on the children’s learning from the Year 3 Rocks unit as well as the Animals including Humans and Living Things and their Habitats units. As such, it is important that children have the appropriate understanding of fossils, habitats and human development in order to grasp the concepts and ideas presented to them in these lessons. Children will learn about variation and adaptation. They will be able to explore how both Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace separately developed their theories of evolution. They will examine the scientific evidence from plants and animals that has been gathered to support the theory of evolution.
-Making a website: The children will create their own webpage about zoos/ dinosaurs.
History and Geography:
Geography- Where does energy come from? Learning about renewable and non-renewable energy sources, where they come from and their impact on society, the economy and the environment.
History- What was the impact of WW11 on the people of Britain?
In this topic the children will Investigate the causes of WW2; learning about the Battle of Britain; investigate the impact of the Blitz and the evacuation on people’s lives; and evaluate the effectiveness of primary sources.
We are looking forward to our visit to Leeds Royal Armories on 27th February!
Living in the wider world
P.E. (Physical Education)
This term, the children will be doing Dance
5/6LR- Wednesday afternoons
5/6TLJ- Thursday afternoons
5/6EG- Friday afternoons
Homework this term will be sent out every other Friday and is expected back in every other Wednesday. Homework will consist of Maths, Reading and spellings.
Children will continue to be regularly assessed in preparation for their SAT exams in May. They will be assessed in February, March and April formally, with weekly assessments and testing also taking place.