Calderbrook Road, Littleborough, Lancashire, OL15 9HW

01706 378556

Littleborough Community Primary School and Nursery

Bringing Out The Best In Every Child

Year 4 Spring Term


This term will see us continuing to follow Aaron Becker through his picture books where we will write a narrative based on his book ‘The Quest’. Throughout this work, we will teach the grammatical structures needed to become a successful Year 4 writer; fronted adverbials with the comma after them, punctuating speech correctly including a range of adverbial, reported clauses. We will continue to develop our vocabulary and engage the reader through a range of sentence structures; single clause and multi-clause.

Once we have completed this unit, the children will be writing our own diary entry linked to our new History topic - The Egyptians! 

Reading will continue to be a huge priority. We expect all children to read their reading book regularly to an adult and for adults to question the children. Encourage your child/children to check for any vocabulary they are unsure of as these types of questions are regularly used in assessments so it is imperative that all children build their vocabulary to aid their understanding of texts.


Our Maths lessons follow ‘Power Maths’ where we will be learning about multiplication and division, length and perimeter and then moving onto fractions and decimals!

Knowing multiplication and division facts holds great importance and will enable the children to become more fluent with different areas of mathematics once they know the facts be heart. We encourage the children to practise regularly to become fluent and have quick recall so that they will be able to pass the Year 4 Times Table Check at the end of the year. This is a government test that all Year 4 children will sit. Therefore, we implore you all to find time in the week to spend practising times tables and the related division facts.



In science we are learning about Sound and States of Matter  We will be planning lots of fun activities. The children will have the opportunity to make musical instruments and link this to what we know about how sound is formed and how we hear sounds. Within states of matter, the children will learn what matter is and how materials can change state and others can’t. They will learn about the water cycle too.



Our History unit this term is ‘What did the Ancient Egyptians believe?’  We will also be visiting Bolton Museum where the children will have the opportunity to learn more about this time period by looking at lots of ancient artefacts. During this unit, we will be looking at who the Egyptians were, where they lived, how they lived, the Gods and Goddesses they believed in, the great pyramids, mummification and so much more! 




Our Geography topic this term is, 'What are rivers and how are they used?'. We will start by looking at the features of rivers and locating the major rivers onto a world map and map of the United Kingdom. We will then look at the process of the water cycle and the role that rivers play in this. We will continue to study rivers by looking at what rivers are used for and the positives and negatives of living close by to a river. 


During lessons this unit of 'Algorithms', children will have the opportunity to look at the coding aspect of computing, creating algorithms where they will create a program with a list of instructions. This will result in them creating their own computer game. They will be able to look at how these work by creating their own code to develop a game.

Games / PE

PE is delivered by Ed Start and the children will be focusing on gymnastics and dance. Both classes will have their PE lessons on a Monday. We ask that all children come to school in their P.E. kit. . Can we also remind everyone that school PE uniform is black leggings/shorts/tracksuit bottoms, a white t-shirt and a black or red jumper. Hair should be tied up and jewellery should be removed!



This half term we will continue to look at healthy relationships and how we can ensure we have healthy relationships, learning about responsibility and rights and also learning about living in the wider world.



During our R.E. lessons we will be learning about the Hindu religion and focusing of what it is like to be a Hindu in Britain today. We will learn about the Puja tray, reincarnation and why Ghandi was and is so important to the Hindu people. Throughout all of our R.E. lessons, we teach respect and tolerance. Giving children this knowledge is key to them understanding the world around them.


This term will see us creating a piece of art with an optical illusion before then learning about ‘Paints and Mixed Media'. This will include looking at tins and shades, three dimensional paintings, composition and still life art. 


In Spring 2, the children will be looking at mechanical systems and will be making their own slingshot car!